StartupToStandby Plugin and HDMICec Plugin
The official HDMICec Plugin starts the tv, when the dreambox starts in the Idle mode with the StartupToStandby plugin. When I want to record a movie, the dreambox starts with the StartupToStandby Plugin in the idle mode, but the tv will be swtiched on. My modified plugins solve this problem.
Installation OE 2.0:
1. Copy the ipk files to /tmp.
2. Make a telnet login
3. opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hdmicec_3.999git20151231-r9.2_all.ipk
4. opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-startuptostandby_3.999+git5116+40b795b-r0.1_all.ipk
5. reboot
Installation OE 2.2:
1. Copy the deb files to /tmp.
2. Make a telnet login
3 dpkg -i /tmp/enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hdmicec_4.2.10r1-dm7080-r0.1_all.deb.
4. dpkg -i /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-startuptostandby_4.2.0+git76+0d7b50eb47-r0.1_all.deb
5. reboot